Hematología y Hemoterapia

Resultados: 392
Tipo Título / Nombre Autor(es) Año
Coagulopatías plasmáticas infrecuentes. Peculiaridades terapéuticas Bermejo N 2013
Treatment with FLAG-IDA or FLAGO-IDA regimen in adult patients with relapsed/refractory acute myeloid leukemia. Retrospective analysis of the PETHEMA AML Registry Bergua Burgués J, Montesinos P, Martínez Cuadrón D, Serrano J, Fernández P, Rayón C, et al 2013
Flow cytometric CD38 expression on CD34+ cells as a simple diagnostic test in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) Bañas Llanos MH, Ibañez Espacio F, Martín-Aguilera C, Arcos Carmona MJ, Carnicero F, Cabrera C, et al 2013
Azacytidine 75 mg/m2 ×5 day in high-risk myelodisplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia refractory/relapsed patients Bergua Burgués J, Arcos MJ, Carnicero F, Prieto J, Cabrera C, Martín-Mateos ML, et al 2013
Dose-intensive chemotherapy including rituximab in Burkitt's leukemia or lymphoma regardless of human immunodeficiency virus infection status: final results of a phase 2 study (Burkimab) Ribera JM, García O, Grande C, Esteve J, Oriol A, Bergua J, et al 2013
Cytokine profiles in acute myeloid leukemia patients at diagnosis: survival is inversely correlated with IL-6 and directly correlated with IL-10 levels Sánchez-Correa B, Bergua JM, Campos C, Gayoso I, Arcos MJ, Bañas H, et al 2013
Leucemia aguda promielocítica Bergua J 2012
Dolor abdominal recurrente y HPN. Aproximación diagnóstico inicial Fernandez Leyva H, Ibañez Espacio F, Sanchez Sanchez A, Carnicero Gonzalez F 2012
Azacitidine As Front-Line Therapy in AML: Results From Spanish National Registry. Alma Study Investigators Ramos F, Martínez-Robles V, Bargay J, Deben G, Garrido A, Serrano J, et al 2012
Understanding recurrent thrombosis of antiphospholipid syndrome. Fernández H, Bermejo Vega N, Martín Aguilera C, Carnicero F, Ibañez Espacio F, Arcos Carmona MJ, et al 2012