González Santiago, Santiago | Oncología

Resultados: 59
Tipo Título / Nombre Autor(es) Año
Interim Results from CompLEEment-1 (A Phase 3b Study of Ribociclib and Letrozole as First-Line Therapy for Advanced Breast Cancer in an Expanded Population): Spanish Cohort Results Salvador J, Ciruelos EM, Prat A, Jiménez-Rodríguez B, Cruz-Merino Luis de la. Martínez N, Villanueva Vázquez R, Toro R de, Antón A, Moreno F, Álvarez I, Gavila J, Qiroga V, Vicente E, Haba J de la, González-Santiago S, Díaz N, Barnadas A, Cantos Sánchezde Ibargüen B, Delgado JI, Bellet M, Perelló M, Martínez Serrano MJ, Martín M 2019
¿Está indicado realizar estudio de BRCA1/2 en todas las pacientes con cáncer de mama avanzado HER2 negativo? González Santiago S 2019
Identificación del cáncer de mama y ovario hereditario desde determinaciones moleculares en el tumor González Santiago S 2019
Replied to "Some remarks to SEOM clinical guidelines on cardiovascular toxicity (2018)" Virizuela JA, García AM, de Las Peñas R, Santaballa A, Andrés R..., González-Santiago S, Fernández TL 2019
SEOM clinical guidelines on cardiovascular toxicity (2018) Virizuela JA, García AM, de Las Peñas R, Santaballa A, Andrés R..., González-Santiago S, Fernández TL 2019
Multicenter retrospective study to evaluate the impact of trabectedin plus pegylated liposomal doxorubicin on the subsequent treatment in women with recurrent, platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer Romero I, Mallol P, Santaballa A, Del Campo JM, Mori M, González-Santiago S, Casado A, Vicente D, Ortega E, Herrero A, Guerra E, Barretina-Ginesta P, Rubio MJ, Martínez A, Bover I14, Vidal L15, Arcusa Á, Martín L, García Y, González-Martín A 2019
Treatment and long-term clinical outcomes of incidental pulmonary embolism in cancer patients: an international prospective cohort study Kraaijpoel N, Bleker SM, van Es N, Mahé L, Muñoz A, Meyer G, Planquette B, Sánchez O, Bertoletti L, Accasat S, Magalhaes de E, Baars J, Rutten A, Lalezari F, Beyer-Westendorf J, Endig S, Marten S, Porreca E, Rutjes AW, Russi I, Constans J, Boulon C, Kleinjan A, Beenen LFM, Iosub D, Piovella F, Couturaud F, Tromeur C, Biosca M, Assaf JD, HelfermH, Pinson M, Lerede T, Falanga A, Lacroix P, Désormais I, Maraveyas A, Bozas G, Aggarwal A, Rickles F, Girard P, Caliandro R, Martínez del Prado P, Prado Maneiro de C, García Escobar I, González Santiago S, Schmidt J, Dublanchet N, Aquilanti S, Confrere E, Paleirón N, Grange C, Sevestre MA, Ferrer Pérez AI, Salgado Fernández M, Falvo N, Thaler J, Otten HM, Carrier M, Bergmann JF, Büller HR, Di Nisio M 2018
Evaluation of a Streamlined Oncologist-Led BRCA Mutation Testing and Counseling Model for Patients With Ovarian Cancer Colombo N, Huang G, Scambia G, Chalas E, Pignata S, Fiorica J, Van Le L, Ghamande S, González-Santiago S, Bover I, Graña Suárez B, Green A, Huot-Marchand P, Bourhis Y, Karve S, Blakeley C 2018
Psychological impact of multigene cancer panel testing in patients with a clinical suspicion of hereditary cancer across Spain Esteban I, Vilaró M, Adrover E, Angulo A, Carrasco E, Gadea N, Sánchez A, Ocaña T, Llort G, Jover R, Cubiella J, Servitja S, Herráiz M, Cid L, Martínez S, Oruezábal-Moreno MJ, Garau I, Khorrami S, Herreros-de-Tejada A, Morales R, Cano JM, Serrano R, López-Ceballos MH, González-Santiago S, Juan-Fita MJ, Alonso-Cerezo C, Casas A, Graña B, Teulé A, Alba E, Antón A, Guillén-Ponce C, Sánchez-Heras AB, Alés-Martínez JE, Brunet J, Balaguer F, Balmaña J 2018
Massive Pulmonary Embolism in Oncological Patient with Cetuximab Treatment: Hipercoagulability Status in Cancer Patients - A Case Report and a Review of Scientific Literature Illan A, Aires J, Ayala P, Gorospe I, Muñoz J, Quintana L, , Collado R, Rodríguez MA, Borrega P, López de Ceballos MH, , González S, Alonso S, García-Escobar I 2017