
Resultados: 670
Tipo Título / Nombre Autor(es) Año
Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With RH and OSA With or Without Treatment With CPAP (SARAH) Barbé F, Gallego Domínguez R 2016
Estudio observacional retrospectivo para evaluar el impacto farmacoeconómico del uso de omalizumab en el asma alergica grave persistente segun practica clinica habitual en las comunidades autonomas de Andalucia y Extremadura. OMA-ANDEXT Villegas Sánchez G, Gallego Domínguez R 2016
The Effect of Supplemental Oxygen in Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome Sánchez-Quiroga MA, Masa JF, Corral J, Romero A, Caballero C, Terán-Santos J ... [et al.], et al 2016
Noninvasive ventilation efficacy for obesity hypoventilation syndrome without severe sleep apnea Masa JF, Corral J, Caballero C, Barrot E, Terán-Santos J, Alonso-Alvarez ML [et al.], et al 2016
Effect of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Quality of Life in Women with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. A Randomized-Controlled Trial Campos-Rodríguez F, Cordero-Guevara J, González M, Carmona-Bernal C, Jurado-Gámez B, Troncoso-Acevedo F, et al 2016
The effect of supplemental oxygen in obesity hypoventilation síndrome Sánchez Quiroga MA, Masa JF, Corral J, Romero A, Caballero C, Terán-Santos J ... [et al.], et al 2016
Noninvasive ventilatin efficacy for obesity hypoventilation syndrome without severe sleep apnea Masa Jiménez JF, Sánchez-Quiroga MA, Corral J, Caballero C, Barrot E, Terán-Santos J, et al 2016
Protective cardiovascular effect of sleep apnea severity in obesity hypoventilation síndrome Masa Jiménez JF, Sánchez-Quiroga MA, Corral J, Romero A, Caballero C, Terán-Santos J, et al 2016
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of home respiratory polygraphy Sanchez Quiroga MA, Masa Jiménez JF, Barbé Illa F, Cabello Najera M, Salord Oleo N, Duran Cantolla J [et al.], et al 2016
Metabolic biomarkers in obese community-dwelling children: NANOS study Alonso Álvarez ML, Terán Santos J, Cordero Guevara J, González Martínez M, Jurado Luque MJ, Corral Peñafiel J, et al 2016