Anatomía Patológica

Resultados: 60
Tipo Título / Nombre Autor(es) Año
Splenic and adrenal lymphangiomatosis Castellón Pavón C, Lanchas I, González MA, Amigo M.L. 2003
Dynamic intracoronary thrombosis does not cause significant downstream platelet embolization Barrabés JA, García-Dorado D, Soriano B, Solares J, Puigfel Y, Trobo L, et al 2000
Splenic involvement by blastic mantle cell lymphoma (large cell/anaplastic variant) mimicking splenic marginal zone lymphoma Mollejo M, Lloret E, Solares J, Bergua JM, Mateo M, Piris MA, et al 1999
Carcinoma neuroendocrino primario ( tumor de células Merkel) palpebral Solares J, Salinas V 1998
Regional expansion during myocardial ischemia predicts ventricular fibrillation and coronary reocclusion Barrabés JA, Garcia-Dorado D, Ruiz-Meana M, Solares J, Puigfel Y, Soler-Soler J, et al 1998
The role of Na+-H+ exchange occurring during hypoxia in the genesis of reoxygenation-induced myocardial oedema Inserte J, García-Dorado D, Ruiz-Meana M, Solares J, Soler J 1997
Prevention of ischemic rigor contracture during coronary occlusion by inhibition of Na(+)-H+ exchange Garcia-Dorado D, Barrabés JA, Ruiz-Meana M, Solares J, Lidon RM, et al 1997
Gap junction uncoupler heptanol prevents cell-to-cell progression of hypercontracture and limits necrosis during myocardial reperfusion García-Dorado D, Inserte J, Ruiz-Meana M, Solares J, Juliá M, et al 1997
Myocardial segment shrinkage during coronary reperfusion in situ. Relation to hypercontracture and myocardial necrosis Barrabés JA, García-Dorado D, Ruiz-Meana M, Piper HM, Solares J, et al 1996
Intimal injury in a transiently occluded coronary artery increases myocardial necrosis. Effect of aspirin Barrabés JA, García-Dorado D, Oliveras J, Ruiz-Meana M, Solares J, et al 1996