Bergua Burgués, Juan Miguel | Hematología y Hemoterapia |

Resultados: 246
Tipo Título / Nombre Autor(es) Año
Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Two Types of E.coli Asparaginase (Native or Pegylated) for Treatment of Adult Patients with High-Risk (HR), Philadelphia (Ph) Chromosome-Negative ALL Included in the Prospective MRD-Oriented Protocol ALL-HR-11 from the Ribera JM, Morgades M, Montesinos P, García-Cadenas I, Barba P, Soria B, Bermúdez A, Moreno JM, González-Campos J, Vives S, Gil C, Abella E, Guàrdia R, Bernal T, Martínez-Sánchez P, Amigo ML, Mercadal S, Serrano A, López-Martínez A, Vall-llovera F, Sánchez-Sánchez MJ, Peñarrubia MJ, Calbacho M, Méndez JA, Bergua J, Cladera A, Tormo M, García-Belmonte D, Ciudad J, Feliu E, Orfao A 2016
Frequency and Prognostic Significance of the Presence of Additional Cytogenetic Abnormalitions (ACA) to the Philadelphia (Ph) Chromosome in Young Adults with ACUTE Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Treated with the ALL Ph08 Trial from the Pethema Group Motlló C, Ribera JM, Morgades M, Granada I, Montesinos P, Mercadal S, González-Campos J, Moreno MJ, Barba P, Cervera M, Barrios M, Novo A, Bernal T, Hernandez-Rivas JM, Abella E, Amigo ML, Tormo M, Martino R, Lavilla E, Bergua J, Serrano A, García-Belmonte D, Guàrdia R, Grau J, Feliu E 2016
NCCN-IPI in Patients with Diffuse Large B CELL Lymphoma Treated with DA-R-EPOCH. Retrospective Analysis Bergua Burgues JM, López-Gómez L, Ibañez F, Suarez-Varela S, Prieto-Fernández J, Carnicero F, Casas I, Martín-Mateos ML, Cabrera C, Arcos-Carmona MJ, Bañas MH, Bermejo N, Sanz MA, Bobillo-Varela S, López A 2016
Lenalidomide in Combination with R-ESHAP (LR-ESHAP) in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Who Are Candidates for Autologous Stem-Cell Transplantation: A Phase 2 Study from the Spanish Group Geltamo Martín A, Baile M, Rodríguez G, Dlouhy I, Sancho JM, Jarque I, González-Barca E, Salar A, Espeso M, Grande C, Bergua J, Montes-Moreno S, Lopez-Guillermo A, Caballero D 2016
Preliminary Results of the Flugaza Trial: A Phase III Randomized, Open Label Study Comparing Azacytidine Versus Fludarabine and Cytarabine (FLUGA Scheme) in Elderly Patients with Newly Diagnosed Acute Myeloid Leukemia Montesinos P, Vives S, Martinez-Sánchez MP, Bergua J, Algarra L, Herrera P, Tormo M, López-Lorenzo JL, Ramos F, Falantes JF, Salamero O, Serrano J, Gil C, Amador ML, Lavilla E, Sayas MJ, Olave MT, Vidriales B, Martínez-Cuadrón D, Sanz MA 2016
Quimioterapia intensiva frente a semi-intensiva en pacientes adultos de edad avanzada (55-65años) con leucemia aguda linfoblástica (LAL) sin gromosoma filadelfia (PH-NEG) Ribera Santasusana Jose Maria, García Olga, Gil Cristina, Montesinos Pau, Martino Rodrigo, González Campos José, Mercadal Santiago, Barba Pere, Tormo Mar, Bermúdez Arancha, Bergua J, Guàrdia Ramon, Bernal Teresa, Martínez María Pilar, García Belmonte Daniel, López Aurelio, Monteserín María Carmen, Moreno María José, Hernández Rivas Jesús María, Vall-Llovera Ferran, Escoda Lourdes, Cladera Antònia, Hernández-Rivas José Ángel, Lavilla Esperanza, Feliu Evarist 2016
Anticoagulantes orales directos en síndrome antifosfolípido: una serie de casos Bermejo Vega N, Ibáñez Espacio F, Carnicero F, Sigüenza Salgado R, Casas Avilés I, Pérez Leal FA, Suárez-Varela S, Cáceres S, Bañas H, Cardesa Rocío, Bergua Burgués JM 2016
Relationship between type and intensity of anticoagulant therapy and recurrence of arterial thrombosis on antipospholipid syndrome Sigüenza R, Bermejo N, Casas I, Pérez FD, Fernández H, Ibañez F, Cáceres S, Bergua JM 2016
Anticoagulant treatment with apixaban in inherited antithrombin deficiency Bermejo N, Sigüenza R, Casas I, Pérez-Leal FDA, Banas MH, Ibáñez F, Cáceres S, Bergua JM 2016
Intensive Vs semi-intesive chemotherapy in older adults (55-65 yr) with Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia Ribera JM, García O, Gil C, Montesinos P, Martino R, González Campos J, Mercadal S, Barba P, Tormo M, Bermúdez A, Bergua J, Guárdia R, Bernal T, Martínez MP, García Belmonte D, López A, Monteserín MC, Moreno MJ, Hernández Rivas JM, Vall Lovera F, Escoda L, Cladera A, Hernández Rivas JA, Lavilla E, Feliu E 2016