Bergua Burgués, Juan Miguel | Hematología y Hemoterapia |

Resultados: 246
Tipo Título / Nombre Autor(es) Año
Treatment of Frail Older Adults and Elderly Patients With Philadelphia Chromosome-negative Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Results of a Prospective Trial With Minimal Chemotherapy Ribera JM, García O, Chapchap EC, Gil C, González-Campos J..., Bergua JM 2020
Acute myeloid leukemia with inv(3)(q21q26.2)/t(3;3)(q21;q26.2). study of 61 patients treated with intensive protocols Sitges M, Boluda B, Garrido A, Morgades M, Granada I ..., Bergua J 2020
Performance of prognostic scoring systems in elderly patients with acute myeloid leukaemia on intensive chemotherapy: A PETHEMA registry study Rodríguez-Medina C, Martínez-Cuadrón D, Cano I, Gil C, Tormo M..., Bergua-Burgues JM, Pérez-Simón JA, Rodríguez G, Espadana A, Vidriales-Vicente B, Fernández R, López-Lorenzo JL, López M, García-Fortes M, Labrador Gómez J, Colorado-Araujo M, Sossa-Melo CL, Aguilar E, Montesinos P 2020
Micafungina como profilaxis antifúngica en pacientes hematológicos no trasplantados Villaescusa T, Vázquez L, Bergua JM, García J, Romero A..., Grupo de Infecciones en pacientes hematológicos. Sociedad Andaluza de Hematología y Hemoterapia 2020
Correction to: Update on management and progress of novel therapeutics for R/R AML: an Iberian expert panel consensus Montesinos P, Bergua J, Infante J, Esteve J, Guimaraes JE, Sierra J, Sanz MÁ 2020
A pediatric regimen for adolescents and young adults with Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Results of the ALLREo8 PETHEMA trial Ribera JM, Morgades M, Montesinos P, Tormo M..., Bergua J, PETHEMA Group Spanish Society of Hematology 2020
Characteristics and outcome of adult patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia and increased body mass index treated with the PETHEMA Protocols Sobas M, Rodriguez-Veiga R, Vellenga E, Paluszewska M, De la Serna J..., Bergua J 2020
Relación entre transfusión materna previa y enfermedad hemolítica del recién nacido mediada por anti-c y autoanticuerpo anti-d Moriano Palacios B, Ibáñez Espacio F, Cáceres Hernández S, Rodríguez López A, Arcos Carmona MJ, Súarez Varela Pineda S, Cardesa Cabrera R, Bermejo Vega N, Casas Avilés I, Ferre Bermejo O, Espina García M, Bañas Llanos H, Cabrera Silva C, Carnicero González F, Bergua Burgués JM 2019
Rituximab and Specific Therapy for Patients with Burkitt's Leukemia and Lymphoma. Results of the BURKIMAB14 Trial from the Spanish Pethema and Geltamo Groups in 80 Patients Ribera JM, García O, Cervera M, Rguez C, Sirvent M, Vall-Llovera F, Abrisqueta P, Serrano J, Buendia B, Montesinos Fernández P, Vives S, Bergua Burgues JM, Bastos-Oreiro MB, Acuña E, Moreno MJ [] 2019
ROBUST: First report of phase III randomized study of lenalidomide/R-CHOP (R2-CHOP) vs placebo/R-CHOP in previously untreated ABC-type diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Vitolo U, Witzig TE, Gascoyne RD, Scott DW, Zhang QZ, Jurczak W, Ózcan M, Hong X, Zhu J, Jin J, Belada D, Bergua JM, Plazza F, Mócikova H, Molinari AL, Yoon DH, Cavallo F, Tani M, Izutsu K, Kato K, Czuczman M, Hersey S, Kilcoyne A, Russo J, Hudak K, Zhang J, Chlappella A, Nowakowski GS on behalf of the&10, ROBUST study investigators 2019
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