Bergua Burgués, Juan Miguel | Hematología y Hemoterapia |

Resultados: 246
Tipo Título / Nombre Autor(es) Año
CD38 expression on CD34+ Bone Marrow Cells (BM) as a tool in low grade Myelodysplactics Syndromes (MDS) Sigüenza R, Bañas MH, Casas I, Ibañez F, Bermejo N, Bergua JM, Arcos MJ, Prieto J, Martin-Mateos ML, Cabrera C, Perez-Leal FA 2015
Long-term anticoagulation with dabigatran in patients with severe lactose intolerance Bermejo N, Sigúenza R, Ibañez F, Bañas MH, Casas I, Pérez-Leal FA, Bergua J 2015
Azacitidine in older patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Results from the ALMA study according to the MRC risk index score Falantes JF, Martinez Robles V, Bargay J, Deben G, Garrido A, Casano J, Salamero O, Bergua JM, Colado E, Garcia R, Pedro C, Redondo S, Tormo M, Bonanad S, Diez-Campelo M, Perez-Encinas M, de la Fuente A, Xicoy B, Montesinos P, 2015
Long-term follow-up of dose-adjusted EPOCH plus rituximab (DA-EPOCH-R) in untreated patients with poor prognosis large B-cell lymphoma. A phase II study conducted by the Spanish PETHEMA Group Purroy N, Bergua J, Gallur L, Prieto J, López LA, Sancho JM, García-Marco JA, Castellví J, Montes-Moreno S, Batlle A, de Villambrosia SG, Carnicero F, Ferrando-Lamana L, Piris MA, López A 2015
Dos pacientes mujeres, jóvenes, con fiebre y un mismo destino Sigüenza Salgado R, Ibáñez Espacio F, Casas Avilés I, Flores Guerrero A, Bañas Llanos H, Martín Aguilera C, Bermejo Vega N, Arcos Carmona MJ, Martín Mateos M, Prieto Fernández J, Cabrera Silva C, Carnicero F, Bergua Burgués J 2014
Azacitidine in older patients with acute Myeloid leukemia (AML) and adverse karyotype. Subanalisis from the Alma Study Falantes J, Deben G, Martinez Robles V, Bargay J, Salamero O, Pedro C, Redondo S, Garrido A, Bergua JM, Tormo M, Xicoy B, Font P, González-López TJ, Ramos F 2014
Novel assay for ex vivo evaluation of antiproliferative effect of hypomethylating agents 5-Azacytidine and Decitabine in AML patient samples Hernández P, Montesinos P, Serrano J, Herrera P, Bergua J, Colorado M, González BJ, Gómez C, Robles A, Gorrochategui J, Sánchez J, Ballesteros J, Moscardo F, Martínez D, Sanz MA, Pérez de Oteyza J, Martínez J 2014
A prognostic index for patients with refractory or in first relapsed acute myeloid leukemia treated with FLAG-Ida or Flago-Ida Bergua JM, Montesinos P, Martinez-Cuadrón D, Fernández-Abellán P, Serrano J, Sayas MJ, Prieto-Fernández J, García R, García-Huerta AJ, Barrios M, Pérez-López C, Pérez-Encinas M, Siemele A, Rodríguez-Macias G, Herrera-Puente P, Rodríguez-Veiga R, Martínez-Sánchez MP, Amador-Barciela ML, Sanz MA 2014
Observational Prospective Registry for the Assessment of the Clinical Impact of Starting Anti-Myeloma Treatment at Biological Relapse Alegre A, Gironella M, Bergua JM, González E, Esacalante F, Soler A, Sampol A, González AP, Cabañas V, Lahuerta JJ, López A, Dios A, Bárez A, Ruiz A, Vilanova D, Díaz.Mediavilla J 2014
Treatment of high-risk Philadelphia chromosome-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adolescents and adults according to early cytologic response and minimal residual disease after consolidation assessed by flow cytometry: final results of the PETHEMA Ribera JM, Oriol A, Morgades M, Montesinos P, Sarrà J, González-Campos J, Brunet S, Tormo M, Fernández-Abellán P, Guàrdia R, Bernal MT, Esteve J, Barba P, Moreno MJ, Bermúdez A, Cladera A, Escoda L, García-Boyero R, Del Potro E, Bergua J, Amigo ML2, Grand 2014