Bergua Burgués, Juan Miguel | Hematología y Hemoterapia |

Resultados: 244
Tipo Título / Nombre Autor(es) Año
Transcriptional and genomic characterization of measurable residual disease in acute myeloid leukaemia Simoes C, Villar S, Ariceta B, Garcés JJ, Burgos L..., Bergua JM 2023
Extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma nasal type in a western population: Molecular profiling identifies new therapeutic targets González Barca E, Tomás-Roca L, Esteve A, Rodríguez M, Gato L..., Bergua Burgués JM 2023
Molecular Landscape and Validation of New Genomic Classification in 2668 Adult AML Patients: Real Life Data from the PETHEMA Registry Sargas C, Ayala R, Larráyoz MJ, Chillón MC..., Bergua JM 2023
Integrated flow cytometry and sequencing to reconstruct evolutionary patterns from dysplasia to acute myeloid leukemia Simoes C, Chillon MC, Martínez-Cuadrón D, Calasanz MJ..., Bergua Burgués JM 2023
Characteristics and outcome of patients with acute myeloid leukemia and trisomy 4 Kayser S, Martínez-Cuadrón D, Hanoun M, Stölzel F, Gil C..., Burgues JMB 2023
Conventional PCR Versus Next Generation Sequencing for Diagnosis of FLT3, IDH and NPM1 Mutations in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Interim Analysis of the PCR-LMA Protocol of the Pethema Group Boluda B, Sargas C, Ayala R..., Bergua J 2022
Prognostic Impact of NPM1 and FLT3-ITD Mutations in Patients Treated with Non-Intensive Regimens: A Pethema Registry Study Suárez E, Alonso JM, Boluda B..., Bergua J 2022
Transcriptional and Genomic Characterization of Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) Cells in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Simoes C, Villar S, Ariceta B..., Bergua J 2022
Pethema NGS-AML Project. Final Analysis and Clinical Validation of New Genomic Classifications Sargas C, Ayala R, Larryoz MJ..., Bergua J 2022
Evolution of the Genetic and Biological Studies Performed at Diagnosis in Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia Included in the Pethema Epidemiological Registry (REALMOL Study) Labrador J, Martinez-Cuadron D, Boluda B..., Bergua J 2022